Araba Mida (GR) location map (Simcountry)

Araba Mida location.

Araba Mida is one of the 19 regions of Antilia Major continent (Golden Rainbow). Located in the north-east Antilia Major, the region is somewhat mountainous in the west, flat in the center and again mountainous in the east.


Physical geography[]

Araba Mida located between the 105 ºE and 135 ºE meridians and between the parallels  8 ºN and 23 ºN, therefore completely located in northern and eastern hemisphere as well as in the tropical region of Golden Rainbow.

Being located in a tropical region their climates are mostly hot, smoothed in the north by higher latitudes as well as at the top of some mountains.


The population within the standard physical geographical boundaries was 600 million in 3372. The most populous country is Union of Arendalle and its capital, Arendelle the most populous city in region with almost 4,5 milion of inhabitants.

Most populous countries in Araba Mida (Antilia Major) in 3390
Rank Country Population
1 Union of Arendale 44,520,000
2 Territory of Sabinni 20,600,000
3 Empire of Menoda 15,500,000
4 United Kingdom of Inttera Dos 17,200,000
5 Novodro 17,000,000
6 Republic of Columbia 14,600,000
7 Democratic Union of Cobara 14,500,000
8 Kingdom of Pornadre 13,300,000

See also[]

  Antilia Major (Golden Rainbow)  
 Araba Mida | Cabana Magnifica | Canis | Carina Kanji | Crane York | Decambra | Fortuna Donna | Great Hills | Great Liberty | Great Portland | Mercury Mundo | Mercury Yugo | Nakomo Valley | Ottello Monda | Pegersus | Pictor Veronica | South Dade | Unicron West | Volusia